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Rollingstone Mandate (pictured above)
Rollingstone Merit (no photo available)
S: Rollingstone Chinook
SS: ++*B Rocky Run Dill Seed
SD: Rollingstone Lightfoot
SDS: *B Clovertop's P Andrew
SDSS: ++*B Clovertop's Plot
SDSD: GCH Clovertop's Lazer Angelina *M
D: Rollingstone Marissa / & Merit's Dam: Maia II
DS: *B Clovertop's P Andrew
DSS: ++*B Clovertop's Plot
DSD: GCH Clovertop's Lazer Angelina *M
Mandate Daughters
Lake Country Mandate Moselle 9*M
1-02 248 2270 4.8% 109 3.4% 78
Musique  saanen doe
Lake Country Mandate Musique 9*M
1-02 273 2465 5.6% 137 3.2% 79
Merit Daughters
Lake Country Merit Catrina 8*M
1-03 268 2289 6.4% 147 3.0 69
Christancia  saanen doe
Lake Country Merit Christancia 5*M
2-11 290 3379 4.9% 165 3.3% 112
Rollingstone Tzar Daughters
S: *B Clovertop's P Andrew (as in Mandate pedigree)
Tzar Daughters
Tzar Daughters
Tzar Daughters
Tzar Daughters
Tzar Daughters
Tzar Daughters

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